Irrigation Efficiencies Program
Washington’s Irrigation Efficiencies Grant Program (IEGP) restores instream flows in rivers and streams determined to not have enough water for fish populations and other competing needs.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) works with conservation districts to provide financial incentives – up to 85 percent of total project costs – to landowners willing to install irrigation systems that save water.
The water saved helps increase the stream flow in tributaries where ESA (Endangered Species Act)-listed species will benefit. And, in most cases, the more efficient irrigation systems lead to increased crop production due to reduced water stress.
Save Water Save Energy
This program is available to agricultural producers who are Okanogan PUD customers. Rebates are available for the following projects:
Freeze Resistant Stock Water Tanks/Fountains
Irrigation Pump Testing and System Analysis (BPA Qualified)
VFD installations on new or existing pumps
Irrigation System Upgrades
More Information:

Salmon Safe Certification Program

The Salmon Safe ecolabel provides market recognition to farms that promote healthy ecosystems. Okanogan CD is working with Salmon Safe to facilitate certification for agricultural producers in Okanogan County.
The watershed view of land management means that you don’t need to own a salmon stream, or even border a water body at all to be eligible. Salmon Safe supports the idea that sustainable land management of all habitat types has a positive contribution to water quality improvement and habitat protection. Salmon Safe supports and recognizes those who strive to make their downstream impact a positive one.
For more information, contact us. You can also visit the Salmon Safe website, to learn more about the certification process and requirements.