Your local conservation district
We are non-regulatory and working with us is 100% voluntary.
We work collaboratively with land managers in Okanogan County to care for our natural resources.
Announcements: (Click to view)
We are hiring! Apply by 10/4 --- (OPEN) Irrigated Agriculture - Natural Resource Technician, learn more here!
Sign up for Fall Chipping Events! --- Methow events staring Oct 7th, City of Okanogan (10/28), City of Omak (11/4-11/5).
Learn more & sign up here!
Register for our Fire-Resistant Planting Workshop --- 6:00 pm on 10/30 at the Winthrop Library, learn more here!
Connect You
To Resources
Contact us and we'll put
you in touch with a conservation planner to discuss your natural resource ideas or concerns.
Planners can connect you
to resources, offer technical assistance, and if requested, come out for a site visit.
A planner will ask about your land goals and project ideas, listen to your natural resource concerns, and address any questions you might have.
If a site visit is requested, planners will assess the resources on your property, and offer suggestions for
conservation action.
After the site visit, you decide the next step. For many, that's
a detailed project plan with recommendations for specific practices to address the resource concerns.
In some cases, a planner can offer cost-share funding to help cover eligible project costs.
We can help you find solutions that work best for the places you care for. Conservation planning assistance and services are provided without charge to property owners and tenants within the Okanogan Conservation District boundaries.
We'd love to hear about your conservation goals!